Dear <<Name>>,

I received an automated email from the email delivery service I "rent" to be able to send out my newsletter, alerting me that due to some new regulation email signups need to be re-confirmed. Which is understandable – they want to minimize spam, and who doesn't, but automation has its limits when dealing with human matters. And so, if you are a human who actually signed up to receive this human labor of love, please click the confirmation button below and let's hope this is enough for the robot overlords to let it run smoothly from here.

Waving with a warm human han
For our list to remain compliant with Mailchimp’s policies, we need you to verify your subscription settings and expressly let us know you want to receive our emails. If you take no action, your address will be removed from our list and you won't receive email from us again. To remain on our list, please confirm your subscription:
Confirm Subscription
© 2021 The Marginalian
